My team was always on the lookout for ways we could take our audience by surprise. We made it our mission to make everyone from entry-level agency media planners to VPs of Sales and Marketing smile. While our competitors were giving away iPads, we decided to take a completely different approach to a “door buster” promotion.

This mailer employs  before/after symbolism with overarching theme being that Rocket Fuel offers new and better way to reach your audience on mobile. The packaging mimics retail but instead of a phone, it contains two tin cans connected by a string and an assortment of objects that people have replaced with mobile technology. Objects such as a flashlight, compass, address book and a map are collected as apps. An instructional booklet features more product offerings and additional information on past, present, and future of mobile advertising.

  • Client

    Rocket Fuel

  • Role

    Creative Direction, Art Direction

  • Creative Collaborators

    Kaitlyn DiGangi, Michael Browning